Denese MacDonald


Couple Therapy Online


Hello, my name is Denese MacDonald and I am a certified Relationship Counsellor of ’Imago Therapy, with over 20 years’ experience. I am BACP registered, which means I am qualified to work with both individuals and couples. Although relationship counselling is my main area of expertise.

Imago Therapy is a process designed to assist couples in overcoming a distanced hurting relationship in order to find love again. Whilst I am a practitioner of Imago Therapy I am essentially an ‘integrative therapist’. That’s’ because I don’t believe in a ‘one size fits all’ approach, So I use different therapeutic models, depending on each couples’ individual needs.

How couple therapy online can help

Perhaps you are tired of recycling the same conflicts which result in you feeling misunderstood, hurt or angry? Or maybe you feel so unhappy in your relationship that you are wondering if you should stay or leave?

Often, when couples are experiencing a lot of pain and frustration in their relationship, they feel disconnected and defensive. I shall assist you in creating a positive change in the way you communicate. So instead of being defensive and acting out your hurt with destructive behaviours. I will help you both calmly express your pain or dissatisfactions and explore them in more detail. We will discuss what you would like to change and tailor the counselling to meet your goals.

Undertaking  couple therapy online, in a safe non-judgemental space will allow listening and understanding instead of escalation and conflict. Relationship counselling can help expand awareness and develop the skills needed to repair and grow your relationship to its full potential.

If change is not possible and recovery is not your goal. Then online couple counselling can support you to talk this out, with kindness and mutual respect; so, you can move forward more positively in separate lives.

Marriage counselling is a positive action to navigate your way through your relationship difficulties. Being accurately’heard’ by our partner is the start of healing and growth.

Ethical Practice

Being a BACP member means that my practice is informed by their code of ethics. I also undertake regular professional development and supervision as well as having professional indemnity insurance.

If you would like to make an appointment to see Denese for couple therapy online. Please contact her via Relationship Counselling Kent today. Request an appointment