Our Locations - Online Counselling

Denese MacDonald

Online Practice

Couple Therapy Online


Hello, my name is Denese MacDonald and I am a certified Relationship Counsellor of ’Imago Therapy, with over 20 years’ experience. I am BACP registered, which means I am qualified to work with both individuals and couples. Although relationship counselling is my main area of expertise.

Imago Therapy is a process designed to assist couples in overcoming a distanced hurting relationship in order to find love again. Whilst I am a practitioner of Imago Therapy I am essentially an ‘integrative therapist’. That’s’ because I don’t believe in a ‘one size fits all’ approach, So I use different therapeutic models, depending on each couples’ individual needs.

How couple therapy online can help

Perhaps you are tired of recycling the same conflicts which result in you feeling misunderstood, hurt or angry? Or maybe you feel so unhappy in your relationship that you are wondering if you should stay or leave?

Often, when couples are experiencing a lot of pain and frustration in their relationship, they feel disconnected and defensive. I shall assist you in creating a positive change in the way you communicate. So instead of being defensive and acting out your hurt with destructive behaviours. I will help you both calmly express your pain or dissatisfactions and explore them in more detail. We will discuss what you would like to change and tailor the counselling to meet your goals.

Undertaking  couple therapy online, in a safe non-judgemental space will allow listening and understanding instead of escalation and conflict. Relationship counselling can help expand awareness and develop the skills needed to repair and grow your relationship to its full potential.

If change is not possible and recovery is not your goal. Then online couple counselling can support you to talk this out, with kindness and mutual respect; so, you can move forward more positively in separate lives.

Marriage counselling is a positive action to navigate your way through your relationship difficulties. Being accurately’heard’ by our partner is the start of healing and growth.

Ethical Practice

Being a BACP member means that my practice is informed by their code of ethics. I also undertake regular professional development and supervision as well as having professional indemnity insurance.

If you would like to make an appointment to see Denese for couple therapy online. Please contact her via Relationship Counselling Kent today. Request an appointment




Sian Jones

Online Counselling Practice

Online Couple Therapy


My name is Sian Jones and I’m  a fully qualified Relationship Counsellor and CBT therapist offering Couple Therapy Online via Zoom.

I am the founder of ‘Relationship Counselling Kent‘ and opened our first practice in Ashford  10 years  ago, before expanding across Kent and opening a further 18 practices. I have a proven track record in successfully helping thousands of couples achieve their chosen goal through couple therapy.

My approach to couple therapy

When relationship’s aren’t working as well as we would like them to, emotions become heightened and it can be difficult to see the wood from the trees. Let alone be able to identify the part you have both played in the relationship running in to difficulties.

My approach to online couple therapy is common sense, step by step, non-judgemental. I will encourage you to work through your problems together. Through me asking you relevant questions, you will both be given the opportunity to open up and explain what isn’t working for you and why.  In turn, this will allow your partner the opportunity to really listen and try to understand your point of view.

It’s not necessarily about you agreeing or even liking each other’s perspective, it’s about understanding them. Nor is it about attributing blame. It’s about gaining a proper understanding of how the other person feels and why. Because when an ‘understanding’ from both parties is reached, it goes a long way in removing any hurt, resentment or anger that may have built up over the years. Therefore allowing you to move forward, in whichever way you choose.

The feedback I receive is that I have an exceptional ability to make couples feel quickly at ease . Experience shows, when people feel comfortable, they find it much easier to open-up, be honest and communicate more effectively.

Rest assured, I won’t sit there silently waiting for you to speak, I will take an active part in the conversation and the process of recovery and change. Read what couples say about me  Trust Pilot Reviews

My work is diverse and I have vast experience in working with mixed cultures, same gender relationships, families and friendships. I provide a non-judgemental  safe, confidential environment where we can work through your relationship challenges together.

Ethical Standards

I subscribe to and work within the UKCP code of ethics and the BACP ethical framework alongside undertaking regular professional development. I also have regular supervision and hold professional indemnity insurance.

If you would like to make an appointment to come and see me at for Online Couples Therapy. Please contact me via Relationship Counselling Kent today.Book an appointment to see Sian

Janine Knight

Online Counselling Practice

Online Couple Counselling


Hello, my name is Janine Knight and I am an experienced ‘Relate’ qualified counsellor  specialising in online couple counselling for couples and individuals.  I am registered with the BACP (British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists) and experienced in working with a diverse range of relationship issues.

If you are in a relationship which does not feel right or you are struggling to reach compromises, resolve conflict or suppressing feelings of unhappiness, then relationship counselling can help.

My approach to online counselling is caring and empathetic. This means I will not judge you but rather enable you both to understand your relationship better and work through the issues that are troubling you.  I create a trusting, therapeutic relationship to enable you to gain new understanding and insights around what is not working in your life.

I was previously a registered Midwife working within the NHS and was drawn to the psychological aspects of care, talking to and understanding people’s experiences, often providing support following trauma.  My midwifery experience gave me many useful skills that I bring to my counselling role. I am a calm and positive person and I find it easy to relate to people.

Why choose me as your counsellor?

Relationship therapy is my specialist area and I am passionate about the job I do! I also understand how hard it can be to take that first step into couple counselling, because opening up to a stranger about the personal details in your life might feel a little daunting. Couples tell me that I quickly put them at ease which allows them to relax and engage in the therapy.

My communication style is friendly, relatable and down to earth and I have experience with every type of relationship, including different sexualities, ages, genders and cultural backgrounds.

Online Couple Counselling

I will provide you with a safe, confidential space where you can both share your thoughts and feelings about each other in a structured and meaningful way. At the start we will explore what you both hope to achieve from therapy. You may require help to understand each other more and make the relationship work better. Or perhaps have decided to separate and need help to do so more amicably. You may not know for sure what you want or you might be in very different places. That’s okay, I  will help you find clarity.

 How I work

Relationships require effort to remain healthy and couples don’t necessarily know how to do that work, particularly when problems arise.  Couple counselling helps you gain new emotional tools to navigate the next chapter in your lives more positively.

Together we will explore how individual patterns of behaviour might be negatively impacting your relationship. This is  because people are often unaware of how their reactions affect their partner. Couples often report having the same arguments over and over again without understanding their own role in this dynamic.

By identifying unhelpful behaviour ssuch as criticism, blame or shutting down, couples gain more insight into each other’s responses and where they come from. People may seek relationship counselling for many reasons but poor communication is usually the most common.

My Professional Qualifications

Level 5 Diploma in Relationship Counselling (CPCAB with Relate)

Level 4 Diploma in Relationship Counselling (CPCAB with Relate)

Foundation Certificate in Psychodynamic Counselling (The Counselling Centre, Tunbridge Wells)

Mediation Skills Certificates (voluntary work at Maidstone Mediation Centre)

Diploma of Higher Education in Midwifery Practice (Kings College University of London)

BSc (hons) Sociology

I work within the professional ethical boundaries of my registering body, the BACP. My membership number is 00927492.  I have regular supervision (group and individual) and I am committed to continuous professional development.  I am also fully insured with an enhanced DBS certificate.

If you would like to make an appointment to see Janine for online couple counselling. Then please contact her via Relationship Counselling Kent today. Click  Booking Request

Kaye Barney

Online Counselling Practice

Marriage Counselling Online


Hello, my name is Kaye Barney and I’m a fully qualified ‘Relate’ and ‘Tavistock’ trained individual and couples’ therapist. I hold a Psychology degree and a foundation degree in Relationship Counselling.

Relationship Counselling is my second career. It builds upon many years of experience working in commercial organisations, understanding human motivations and behaviour. Over the years I’ve also gathered a wide variety of life skills and experiences. I now help couples and individuals succesfully resolve their relationship problems.

About you

Do you feel unhappy in your relationship? Perhaps your relationship is stuck in a rut or you’ve grown apart? Maybe you’ve lost the spark that brought you together or keep going around and around with the same old arguments. Alternatively, you might be struggling to communicate at all.

Resentment might be simmering under the surface or there are fireworks every time you share what’s on your mind. Perhaps one of you has had an affair, leaving the other feeling betrayed. Or one of you feels invaded because your partner is too clingy.

Maybe you’re unsure whether you want to stay or leave a relationship.  You might know what you want, but don’t know how to do it. Or think what you want is different to what your partner wants.

Perhaps you want counselling on your own, or couples counselling with your partner.  Whatever your reasons might be for seeking relationship counselling online, I can help you find a way forward.

About marriage counselling online

Asking for help signifies the realisation that whatever your situation is, it won’t get better without something changing.

Making the decision to start relationship therapy can feel like a huge step. Perhaps you’ve been thinking about it for a while, or you have maybe been putting it off, in the hope that things will improve. Maybe you’re reluctant to talk about deeply personal issues with a stranger. Or nervous about what you might discover about yourself or your partner. Perhaps you’ve tried counselling before and felt it didn’t work or you didn’t ‘click’ with the counsellor.

Whatever your fears, I’ll help you feel at ease with my warm, friendly, non-judgemental approach. I’ll give you time to talk about your problems in confidence and at your own pace. I’ll help you find ways of coping. And if you come with your partner, rest assured that I’ll give you both space to be heard.

I will help you:-

  • Explore what happens with repetitive thoughts.
  • Unpick the arguments that go round and round.
  • Work out where these patterns come from.
  • Voice your expectations, hopes and fears.
  • Understand how you communicate and try new ways of talking.
  • Identify what to change and learn how to accept or tolerate what you can’t.
  • Consider a way forward by brainstorming options.

Ethical Standards

I have a BACP Certificate of Proficiency, demonstrating that I have the relevant, up to date skills to be a practising counsellor. As a registered BACP member, I work within their Ethical Framework. I am fully insured, DBS certified, and take part in ongoing supervision and professional development.

If you would like to make an appointment to see Kaye for marriage counselling online. Request an appointment

Trish Mayne

Online Counselling Practice

Online Relationship Therapy


Hello, my name is Trish Mayne and I am a fully qualified ‘Relate’ trained couple counsellor, offering online relationship therapy for both couples and individuals.

For as long as I can remember I have had an interest in the way people communicate. Relationships are based around communication, whether that is with your partner, parents, children, colleagues and friends.

Our interaction with others can bring great joy and fulfilment. However, there are times when we all struggle with relationships. We change, others change and circumstances change. You and those around you can be left feeling confused and unhappy.

Maybe there is a relationship crisis in your life. It could be that your relationship is feeling unfulfilled. You may be unsure about the future together. You may want to prepare your relationship for a big life event you know is coming, such as becoming a parent or marriage.  It can be very difficult to find a place where you feel as if someone is really listening to you. This is where I, as a Relationship counsellor, can help.

My background

I began my career as a nurse within the NHS. This gave me the foundation to communicate with people of all ages when they were at their most vulnerable and needed support. I am also a qualified midwife and health visitor so I understand the physical and emotional changes that occurred when a couple were starting out as parents.

Personal expectations are challenged when a child comes into the family, and sometimes things are not as you were expecting them to be.  I have been privileged to gain the trust of many people I have worked with. Many feel better knowing they don’t have to be perfect.  It has been fulfilling to help people increase their self-belief and confidence.

I spent many years working with young parents, helping them to understand healthy relationships and have fulfilling attachments with their baby/ children.  I have used my knowledge of child development and psychology along the way.

My work with Relate over a number of years has been both face to face and online. I have worked with couples seeking help for relational problems such as: Wider family conflict; intimacy issues; infidelity or affairs; the loss of romance or excitement; mental and physical ill health affecting the relationship – to name but a few.

I also have counselling work experience with couples where one partner has recently been released from prison, successfully helping them to re-establish their relationship with their partner and children.

I strongly believe that listening is the key to understanding and I feel my varied work expertise brings a rounded understanding of people of all ages, all walks of life and in all sorts of situations.

Online relationship therapy

I will give you respect understanding, empathy and support. Whether you come as a couple or an individual. I will bring a warm, relaxed approach which will put you at ease and I aim to give you a feeling of being in control during our work together.

Sometimes we lose the skill of listening and understanding to what our partner is saying. I will give you space to explore your thoughts and feelings and think about how this affects your relationship.  You will need a space where there is equal time to think and speak.

My approach to your individual situation will be neutral and without judgement.  Along the way, I may challenge you if appropriate, or offer the odd suggestion. I won’t attempt to ‘fix ‘your relationship or tell you want you should or shouldn’t be thinking or feeling. Instead, I will sit with you while you are trying to make sense of your experience.

I hope that you will end your counselling with me feeling you have more control and understanding of your relationship.

Ethical standards

I subscribe and work within the UKCP code of ethics and the BACP ethical framework and undertake regular professional development and clinical supervision. I also have up to date professional indemnity insurance.

If you would like to make an appointment to see Trish for online relationship therapy then please contact her via Relationship Counselling Kent today. Request an appointment


Kay Doherty

Online Counselling Practice

Online Couple Counsellor


My name is Kay Doherty and I am a fully qualified couple counsellor at ‘Relationship Counselling Kent’.  I have a Higher Diploma in Relationship Counselling and an Externship in ‘Emotionally Focused Therapy’.  I am also a member of the BACP (British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy).

My specialist area is relationship counselling, offering counselling to both heterosexual and same sex individuals and couples. I feel alive when new couples come with their individual issues, because each couple’s situation is so different. Working alongside couples as they develop a more secure base and a deeper connection with each other is extremely rewarding.

What is Emotionally Focused Relationship Therapy

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) was founded in Canada by Dr. Sue Johnson and is now practised worldwide.  It provides therapists with researched based tools that will enable a couple to feel connected and safe, through secure attachment.  EFT asserts that relationship problems occur when couples have experienced emotional disconnection with their partner  – which, in turn leads to struggles in the relationship. These struggles can develop into negative cycles which are difficult to break.  EFT will support you to get past these cycles, re-connect and build a secure relationship bond together. EFT can also be used to address individual issues.

How an online couple counsellor can help you

During our first session I will I explain how online relationship therapy works. I will also talk about confidentiality and my method of storing files/notes etc answering any questions you might have. This will also be your opportunity to tell me about the issues that you each feel need addressing – from both perspectives. Then together, we will discuss a plan going forward.

As a ‘Person Centered’ counsellor I believe each individual knows exactly what is best for them, on an individual level and within the relationship. Then, with the proper support, I will help you find the ability to heal yourselves.  I consider myself to be non-judgemental and accept people for who they are and how they feel. I understand the need for empathy and will take the time to get to know where you both are in the relationship. By allowing you both the time and space to listen and really ‘hear’ each other will bring great insight into the relationship.

‘Emotionally Focused Therapy’ has equipped me with the skills to assist you in exploring any recurring, negative patterns in your relationship. I will support you in learning new patterns of communicating and help you achieve a healthy, secure bond.

The process of change during our relationship counselling sessions can be transforming; and it will enable you to reach a place where you really ‘get’ each other.  Moving your relationship forward more positively in the way you have chosen to do so.

After the couple therapy ends

I will have helped you develop the skills required to be aware and recognise how a particular behaviour might lead to you slipping back into the negative cycle again.  This will allow you the negative cycle into positive interactions.  You will be able to fully understand each other and feel re connected again. The negative cycle will be replaced with love, understanding and security.

Ethical Standards

I subscribe to and work within the BACP ethical framework.  I regularly partake in professional development, have regular supervision and hold professional indemnity insurance.

If you are looking for an online couple counsellor and would like to make an appointment to see Kay. Then please contact her via Relationship Counselling Kent today. Booking Request


Tracey Neale

Online Counselling Practice

Online Couples Therapy


Hello, my name is Tracey Neale and I’m an experienced, BACP accredited (British Association Counselling and Psychotherapy) ‘Integrative Counsellor’ offering online couples therapy for Relationship Counsellling Kent for both couples and individuals.

‘Integrative counselling’ means I use different therapeutic models depending, on each couple’s individual needs, or where they are in their therapeutic journey. This approach enables me to work with flexibility, tailoring my therapy for your unique situation.

How I can help

With over ten years’ experience counselling couples I will help you improve the communication between you. Firstly, through achieving a better understanding of any unresolved issues alongside exploring the complexities within your relationship. Secondly, I will gently challenge any negatives beliefs or patterns of behaviour that might be having a detrimental effect on your relationship.

My aim is to ensure you both feel comfortable enough to open up on both an honest, intimate level. This is will be achieved by providing you the time and space, not only to talk, but to really listen. The safety of the therapy room will hopefully encourage honesty and the opportunity to understand the issues from each other’s point of view.

By supporting you both through change, means you can begin to look towards a more positive future. When you invest time and energy into your counselling experience, it can be a positive step which brings about positive change.

My approach is non-judgmental and empathic. Most importantly, I respect every couples right to confidentiality.

Ethical Standards

I subscribe to and work within the UKCP code of ethics and the BACP ethical framework. I also undertake regular professional development and supervision as well as having professional indemnity insurance.

If you would like to book an appointment to see Tracey for online couples therapy. Then please contact her via Relationship Counselling Kent today. Request to see Tracey

Problems we can help you with