What People Say About Us

Tim Gilbert


After decades of our marriage slowly declining into uncommunicative indifference, mostly my refusal to countenance any form of emotional openness, my wife not unreasonably declared our 44 year marriage over. This unleashed a torrent of emotion, regret, guilt, passion, love and we tried for 9 months without support to rebuild things.

Only as a last resort did I agree to couples’ therapy, and my wife intuitively chose Tim. Tim you helped us, both together, and separately, with insightful, probing and challenging questions and observations, to consider and discuss what we wanted from our relationship. You never took sides. Having avoided discussing anything meaningful with anyone for 64 years the experience was deeply emotional. I cried a lot, which for a man of my age and upbringing was hugely cathartic and liberating and necessary.

I’m sure you’ve seen it all before but you treated us as as you found us, there was no hint we were in some kind of pre-ordained process. The outcome, both for me as a person understanding myself better, and for us as a couple, has been nothing short of miraculous; my grateful thanks to you for the time you spent with us. I can wholeheartedly recommend you specifically and also the idea of seeking third party help to any couple who want to find a way through relationship failure.

We were at breaking point when we found you Tim. You helped to guide us through a very difficult time in our lives. We only had seven sessions over nearly three months, but the work you “set” us in between helped us to rediscover why we were together. I will be forever grateful. If you are reading this testimonial (like I did, searching for a good therapist) and are considering couple’s counselling, we recommendation Tim wholeheartedly.


Jackie Hare

My husband and I were both very nervous and unsure of what our session with Jackie would be. We were quickly reassured and had everything explained to us.

Jackie is wonderful, she is the perfect mix of funny, reassuring and knowledgeable.

My husband and I were in a rut, Jackie helped us to see the importance of us again. We would not hesitate to use Jackie’s services again if the need arises, however, using the tools she equipped us with we both believe we won’t need to.

Jackie helped us talk to each other about things we would never have done so without her help.

We are proud of us for going to marriage counselling but we feel very lucky to have met Jackie and used her amazing guidance.

John Wood and Heather townsend

Jackie Hare

Dear Jackie,

I can’t thank you enough for all your help during our sessions.  You have given me the tools and skills I need to move forward in a positive way.  I particularly liked the way you had saved notes from my first contact for counselling so that at the end we could re-cap and ensure all my issues had been worked through.  Having the notes from you has really helped too as I like to be able to read through them so that I don’t forget anything important that we talked about.  What was really interesting is the way you helped me to work through my problems rather than just suggesting solutions to me. I enjoyed my “eureka” moments where suddenly a penny would drop and I would see something from a completely different perspective.

And as far as those eureka moments go, I still have them – do you remember we talked about how unrealistic a lot of those romantic comedies are particularly from the 80s and 90s and I realised recently that a lot of pop songs can be exactly the same if you listen to the lyrics.  I listen and watch now with a very different point of view! Not sure if you found it online but the documentary called Romantic Comedy by Elizabeth Sankey is really interesting to watch.

Thanking you so much,

Best wishes,

Neana x


Jackie Hare

Jackie helped us at a time when we were approaching rock bottom in our relationship.   We both found her to be friendly, very approachable and reassuring.

She helped us to communicate at a much deeper level and to understand the other’s point of view.  We would thoroughly recommend Jackie to any couple going through relationship difficulties.


Maria Priddey

Myself and my partner George have just completed a course of couple counselling with Maria Priddey and we wanted to provide some feedback to be shared for those considering seeing Maria.

Maria instantly made myself and my partner feel so at ease and we built such an amazing relationship and rapport with her during a daunting and challenging time during our life.

We came to Maria with our relationship in a desperate place. We couldn’t see a way forward for us as a couple despite knowing we loved each other and wanting to be together for our daughter but also for ourselves.

Maria helped us see why we were where we were and realise why we truly wanted to be together. She armed us with a different way of thinking about the other persons behaviour and adopt a more positive way to respond to that behaviour. This enabled us to break the cycle of the negative spiral of arguments and resentment.

I think we can honestly say Maria enabled us to save our relationship and get us back on track. We now feel like the old us again and are looking at wedding destinations! Thankyou Maria for changing our lives and their life of our daughter too, life is so good again and it’s down to you xx


Claire & George

Kathy Hoggart

Kathy Hoggart is amazing! With Kathy’s help my husband and I are back ‘on track’. Kathy reassured us that both of our feelings count and because of this Kathy gained our trust instantly. Kathy quickly helped us to identify what could be causing our issues and how we can use simple techniques and solutions to resolve/manage/accept them.

Kathy had a very thoughtful approach throughout our sessions so that they were well planned and logical but also free flowing and flexible and without her being overbearing or dictating the pace. We had quick exercises that we willingly did in between our sessions that also really helped with our conversation during them. The support Kathy gave us to resolve our issues was superb. The tips and encouragement Kathy gave us helped us to work well together during the sessions. We were also able to work independently so that we made good progress from one session to the next. We are still using those tips now and we still remind each other when we need to of the wonderful guidance Kathy gave so that we can continue to benefit from it whenever we need to.

Jacqueline B

Kaye Barney

I have recently been helped by Kaye Barney and through my sessions I can honestly say I have felt improvement. She helped create a open and friendly platform in which we could discuss the relevant topics that helped ease my overall stress and anxiety. I would recommend Kaye very highly and I would not hesitate to book further sessions if I felt the need. I would also recommend the online sessions and found them far less stressful that adding extra travel to my day.

Nik Edwards

Tim Gilbert

For Julie and I, counselling was an opportunity for change. We knew we were stuck and needed the time, the tools, the space, the bravery and impetus to begin the process of change.

Tim gave us what we needed and at a pace we could manage. Tim joined with us in our exploration so the Julie-and- I duo became a trio with Tim; working together to resolve our issues.

After each session we felt empowered to take away what we had discussed so that we may consider this in greater depth in our own time.

He was never the passive wall or mirror (which would have irritated and blocked our learning) but an active participant in our striving to move forward .

Clive and Julie

Trish Mayne

“We can’t thank you enough Trish. We don’t know how you did it but you always gave us something to think about.  We understand so much more about each other. We are closer now that we have been in the 25 years we have been together. We will definitely encourage other couples’ to have counselling”


Sian Jones –  Online Marriage Counselling

“Hi Sian, we just wanted to thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Things have never been so good for us!”

As you know, when we booked to see you we were on the verge of splitting up and Brian didn’t want to have counselling because neither of us could see a way forward.  And as much as the sessions were really difficult to start (in the nicest possible way!!) You were so kind and understanding whilst at the same time encouraging us to both be really honest. You were very honest with us both also by pointing out what we needed to take responsibility for individually if we wanted things to get better”

“We both feel it’s a bit scary not having our weekly sessions with you but hopefully we will be OK now but we know where you are! Thanks again x

Brian and Sophie (please don’t put our surnames)

Brian & Sophie

Trish Mayne

“Thank you for a really good session Trish. We were feeling really stuck for a time. You  listened and helped pull us back into a place where we could think and makes things feel better. We are very glad we chose to turn to you for guidance. ”


Elaine Brown

“Thank you so much for everything you have done to help the situation with our marriage.  We have learnt a lot but still have a way to go but you have helped more than we can of expected”

J & P

Sian Jones – Marriage Counselling Ashford

“Hi Sian, you asked us if we would mind writing down what we felt the benefits of relationship counselling are so you can share that to help other people. We both thought long and hard about it and we are not sure we can answer that in a generic format because we feel it only worked for us because of you (sorry if that’s a bit creepy but it’s true!)”

“From the moment we met you, you put us at ease. You had a way of making us open up and tell you things we had never told each other let alone anyone else! You helped us understand each other and ourselves and you never made us feel judged or uncomfortable and as I said to you on the phone last week now we have finished our sessions we will miss you  in a strange sort of way. Thanks again for everything”

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Elsie & Bernadette – Kent

Tara Cratchley

“We didn’t think we would be sat here together having enjoyed a family Christmas, when this time last year we felt we were at the end. Thank You for helping us find a way forward that suited us, and for your knowledge and understanding. We now are looking forward rather than dreading the future”


Jo Walmsley-Moore – Relationship Therapy

“So my husband and I were in the process of separating and we were able to book an immediate session with Jo for counselling. At the time we were both not communicating and had completely shut down emotionally, with no way forward.

In that session Jo managed to completely change our lives. She discussed our history, our upbringing and our own values and beliefs, things we’d never even considered would contribute to a relationship. Sometimes you need someone to think outside the box. You can tell she is a people person and is very normal, it was easy to chat to her and tell her all our personal issues within minutes (and we are both introverted quiet people, so not an easy task).

There were no sides taken, no opinion offered. Thank you Jo, you have saved our marriage and given us the tools to be happier in the future”


Sian Jones – Online Counselling

“Hello my name is Brian, I don’t know your name but if your reading this I do at least know a little about you. I needed help and you presumably feel that you do as well.

It’s very difficult to ask for help, especially from a total stranger.

We all think we can deal with whatever life throws at us,unfortunately some of us find we can’t. I waited some considerable time before I plucked up the courage to contact Sian, don’t you do that, grab the moment and you won’t regret it!

My first appointment I nearly cancelled. I am so glad I didn’t because I couldn’t wait for the next one. Sian is open, friendly, engaging, non judgemental and very good at what she does.

After six sessions I feel that with Sian’s understanding and the tools she has given me to look at situations in life that we all experience I am more able to deal with them and move on.

I can say in all honesty that I will miss our meetings!

I do know who to contact if I feel in need of a confidential chat

Sian, thank you for all your help!!!”



Jo Walmsley-Moore –  Online Relationship Help

“Although my wife was not comfortable discussing our marital problems with a counsellor herself, Jo really helped me understand how to approach the issues, and gave us a good foundation/plan to build upon.

They say the first step is to talk about the problems, and talking with Jo really helped!. Was the first time (aged 48) I have had any kind of counselling, which filled me with fear, but within a couple of minutes of the Zoom meeting Jo put my mind at rest.”



Elaine Brown

“Just to say Thank you for your help, it has been invaluable and it was wonderful confiding in someone so warm and non-judgemental.  The sessions were priceless in how they improved our communication and overall relationship.  The tools we’ve learnt will be invaluable taking froward”

H & S

Sian Jones – Relationship Help Ashford

“We found Sian to be such a huge help in our quest for improving our communication skills. Sian will teach you how to think about your behaviour and what it’s linked to so you learn to understand yourself and your partner a whole lot better. This is an invaluable technique,. She is also warm & fun which really helps!:)”

“We now communicate better and understand one another….invaluable & life changing.’ Many thanks again”

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Scott and Sue – Great Chart

Sian Jones – Marriage Counselling Ashford

“We went to see Sian for some marriage counselling Ashford and found that she has an amazing ability to explain back to you EXACTLY how you are feeling, both me and my husband just couldn’t believe it! It was like she had experienced every single feeling we had at some point so she could really relate to it. At no point did she judge either of us such she just helped understand each other’s perspectives and got us actually communicating properly again! Thank you! Request an appointment


Allie Markantonis – Relationship Counselling West Malling

I went to see Allie at Relationship Counselling West Malling when I was struggling to know what to do and was very confused. I was in the middle of having an affair and thinking about leaving my wife and child. I couldn’t make sense of what I was feeling or which way to turn.

Allie worked slowly with me to assess what was truly making me happy and the steps to cope with everyday life. Then we explored the bigger issues which slowly but surely led me to a much deeper understanding of myself.

My relationship with my wife has vastly improved. We are now able to communicate more openly and can provide each other with space, companionship and appropriate support when needed. I have regained my enjoyment in our journey of building a life and family together.

I am now happier than I have ever been and feel more confident to move forward with my life with much stronger ability to cope with anything life throws at me in the future.

I’ll never be able to thank you enough. Request an appointment


Debbie Fletcher – Relationship Help Bromley

“We felt having a space to talk in that was safe and supportive was really helpful. The sessions were very well managed and structured by Debbie Fletcher and there was an understanding and empathy with our situation which felt comforting.  We were each allowed a decent time to talk and reflect”

“Thank you Debbie – you were very kind and understanding and we really appreciated the lack of judgement and desire to help us with your reflections and ideas” Request an appointment


Debbie Fletcher – Couple Counselling Bromley

“Relationship counselling with Debbie in Bromley was a positive experience for both of us. The initial questionnaire was a good way to get us to think deeply and try to identify issues we had and wanted to address”

“Debbie seemed to understand where each of us was coming from and tried to get us to see the other person’s point of view” Request an appointment

Mr & Mrs Hakki – Bromley

Louise Jones – Marriage Counselling Bexley

“My wife and I decided to seek Marriage Counselling Bexley with Louise after having experienced a few communication challenges. We have been married just under 2 years and really wanted to nip these issues in the bud”

“The counselling was a real revelation. The whole experience was enlightening and we both found it to be very useful. Louise had a really experienced and specialised way in helping us to approach and deal with our challenges well. It certainly wasn’t about blame or who was right or wrong, but it helped us understand how the other was feeling and how they processed thoughts”

“We had just 4 or 5 sessions and are now looking forward to a long, happy and fulfilled marriage with much-improved communication skills. Thank you Louise! ”

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Tara Cratchley –  Couple Counselling Tonbridge

“The Irish” (ha ha ha!) cannot thank you enough for all you have done for us Tara. It’s been a steep hill but we finally got there, we will never forget what you have done for us and all being well we won’t be back!! :))”

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Rosalyn and Patrick

Alison Day –  Relationship Counselling Maidstone

“Out of the blue my wife told me that she loved me but wasn’t in love with me anymore. This came as a complete shock to me. I had known that things weren’t great between us but I didn’t know it had got that bad. I persuaded her to go to a marriage guidance but to be honest, it was a pretty awful experience. It was dark and depressing the counsellor didn’t appear to be really listening to us and seemed to take sides so we both ended up feeling worse than ever”

“We stopped going and things went from bad to worse and looked like they were heading for divorce, but I was determined not to give up. I found Relationship Counselling Kent website on Google and made an appointment to see  Alison at relationship counselling Maidstone and it was clear that her approach was completely different other counsellors. I called her straight away and left a message and she called me back that same day. We only spoke for 10 minutes but during that time she gave me more comfort and confidence in the fact that we could sort our marriage problems out, if ,we were both committed to doing so.  Alison made me feel better in 10 minutes than the previous counsellor had done over several hours”

“Alison seemed to intuitively understand what the problems were and what could be done about it and she went out of her way to book me in quickly due to the fact we were at crisis point”

“During our first session Alison challenged us both around the thinking and behaviour that had led to us to be at this point. and helped us understand where as individuals we had gone wrong and how we could change things to make things work. Alison was kind and understanding but she also continually challenged and pushed us forward. We still have further sessions with her but she has already worked miracles for us. Day by day our relationship is getting better and better when a short time ago I was convinced it was over. I cannot thank Alison enough for saving my marriage and prevent me from losing my family”

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Mr A

Sabine Hawkins – Couple Counselling Canterbury

“We procrastinated about going for relationship counselling for around 2 years. I made 3 appointments then cancelled them trying to pretend the problems were manageable and we didn’t need help. Things finally came to a head and we had no choice; either go for help or split up. My husband didn’t want to so it felt like I was dragging him along but plucking up the courage was the best thing we ever did and we wish we had done it five years ago. A

After only 2 appointments with Sabine at couple Counselling Canterbury it started to get better and then continued to grow each session after that. With our new communication skills and understanding of each other I feel like we are back in love again! I would tell anyone not to be scared or embarrassed and it is worth every penny”

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Sj Mason  – Marriage Counselling Gravesend

“My wife point blank refused to seek help for our problems with marriage counselling because she saw this as a failure she didn’t want to admit to. Neither of us wanted to separate but we wanted to feel happy again. But as much as I tried to persuade my wife to go to see Sj at marriage counselling Gravesend she wouldn’t. When I called Sj to ask her advice it was actually her who suggested that perhaps my wife might feel more comfortable if we had a session at our home.

Although my wife was still hesitant she felt much more comfortable with this idea and it’s helped us greatly. We didn’t even realised how stale things were and  how mundane our lives had become. Sj inspired us with new vigour and understanding and we are both happier now and actually looking forward to our retirement together rather than dreading it”

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Mr and Mrs Cobhurn – Gravesend

Allie Markantonis – Couple Counselling West Malling

“It’s been good and it’s been bad………………… but knowing what we know now …. we should have done it years ago! Thank you thank you thank you!”

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Elsa and Mark – one very happy couple!

Elaine Brown – Relationship Counselling Deal

“Highly recommend – I contacted Relationship Counselling Kent for an appoinment with Elaine at Couples Counselling Kent because I was concerned that my reaction to the small irritating things my partner was doing was getting out of hand. I was anxious, angry and upset on a regular basis. I tried to blame him for a while but I started to realise it was me and not him. I saw Elaine for a few months, once a week, and began to understand why I was reacting the way I was.

This understanding was half the battle, and was incredibly revealing. I learned not to let my hurt feelings turn to anger and frustration, and deal with them in a different way. I feel like my old self again now, I’m more in control of my emotions, and much happier in my relationship. Elaine was sympathetic, caring, open and I think genuinely happy for me when I started to feel better”

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Mrs T Albany

Gaye Mitchell – Couple Counsellor Rochester

“As you know Gaye I have tried very hard to get over my wife’s affair. Unfortunately I haven’t been unable to forgive and forget and now know I never will. Although the whole experience has hurt like hell, I couldn’t have done it without you. You helped me through it by giving me time, patience and a different perspective. I know more about myself and relationships than I ever did before and I’m hoping one day I will see some good in what’s happened. Hopefully this will help me in my next relationship”

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Steve M

Tim Burns – Marriage Counselling Whitstable

“Having Tim help us talk through our problems helped us both see each others point of view and see things more clearly. Our marriage is much stronger now that it has been for years – thank you so much”

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Byron & Claire – Whitstable

Sabine Hawkins – Couple Therapy Birchington

“We knew we needed to separate but wanted to do so amicably for the sake of our two children. Sabine made this possible by offering us the support through a very difficult time”

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Tracey B & Tom

Sian Jones – Couple Therapy Ashford

“Thank you Sian for putting our marriage back on track!”

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Mr & Mrs Donahue Folkestone

Allie Markantonis – Couple Counselling Maidstone

“When my wife suggested that we should see a relationship counsellor but I thought it was a stupid idea and was very sceptical and cynical!. However, Allie made us both feel very relaxed from the outset and she never took sides in any of our conversations. Unfortunately we were not able to save our relationship but Allie helped us through the difficult process and made the separation so such much easier. I would recommend her to anyone who is having problems”

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Elaine Brown – Marriage Counselling Deal

“Although my partner was reluctant to go to couples therapy but Elaine put us both at ease straight away. I was surprised how he opened up and I was able to see things from his perspective for the first time. I know that he understands me more now and with Elaine help we are closer than ever”

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Hayley and John

Sian Jones – Relationship Counselling Ashford

“I didn’t think there was any hope for our relationship as all we did was argue and shout at each other. We went to see Sian at relationship counselling Ashford and she was so patient and understanding and always saw things from both points of view. We are now at a stage where we can at least communicate without getting angry. We are still working on our relationship but now feel at least there is light at the end of the tunnel”

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Paul & Sue
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