Sian Jones – Online Counselling

“Hello my name is Brian, I don’t know your name but if your reading this I do at least know a little about you. I needed help and you presumably feel that you do as well.

It’s very difficult to ask for help, especially from a total stranger.

We all think we can deal with whatever life throws at us,unfortunately some of us find we can’t. I waited some considerable time before I plucked up the courage to contact Sian, don’t you do that, grab the moment and you won’t regret it!

My first appointment I nearly cancelled. I am so glad I didn’t because I couldn’t wait for the next one. Sian is open, friendly, engaging, non judgemental and very good at what she does.

After six sessions I feel that with Sian’s understanding and the tools she has given me to look at situations in life that we all experience I am more able to deal with them and move on.

I can say in all honesty that I will miss our meetings!

I do know who to contact if I feel in need of a confidential chat

Sian, thank you for all your help!!!”


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