Couple Counselling Gravesend

Has Your Relationship Become Stale?

marriage counselling Gravesend

The stale relationship One of the most common reason that bring couples to marriage counselling Gravesend is because their relationship has become stale. Especially if they have been together for a number of years. Similarly, there are no recently discovered affairs or out of control  arguments or commonly unacceptable behaviour on either side. Likewise, there …

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Romantic Jealousy & Suspicion

marriage counselling ashford

No one enjoys feeling jealous or insecure, even though jealousy is an emotion that almost all of us will experience at one point or another. The problem with jealousy isn’t that it comes up from time to time, it’s when we don’t get hold of it.  It can be frightening to experience what happens when we allow our jealousy to overpower us or to shape the way we feel about ourselves and the world around us.

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Be Honest & Be Happy!

Help to talk relationship counselling ashford

Why Effective Communication Makes For  Happier Relationships The most common problem couples face is simply down to a lack of communication along with an avoidance of being honest. Many people report that they choose not to say what is bothering them within their relationship, either through a fear of conflict or a concern about upsetting the other person.

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Emotional Bullying

marriage counselling

The most obvious scenario for emotional bullying (also known as emotional abuse) is in an intimate relationship in which a man is the abuser and the woman is the victim. However, a variety of studies show that men and women abuse each other at equal rates*

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What Counts As Cheating On Your Partner?

relationship counselling kent

A question I am often asked is – “What Counts as Cheating in a Relationship?” My summary reply is – “When you do, say or write something that you wouldn’t want your partner to see, hear or read then you know you are being unfaithful” Cheating or unfaithfulness is difficult to define because people often differ in what they deem appropriate contact or interaction for a partner to have with someone else.

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Where Our Relationship Patterns Come From

relationship counselling medway

In an ideal world, we would all be born with perfectly attuned parents who love us and are there for our every need but who also give us just the right amount of space and independence to flourish and fully develop.  All our parents would provide a solid base from which we could venture out as separate individuals because we would feel safe and secure.

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Why am I still single?

couple counselling medway

There are a many different reasons that some people are single. Some simply choose to be and are not interested in being in a relationship at a particular point in their life, if ever. Ohers are single due to circumstances; they may have just come out of a relationship or just haven’t been able to find someone with whom they feel they are compatible with. There are also a number of people who are constantly looking for an answer to the question “why am I still single” In my experience the answer to this is complex but more in our control than we might think.

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How to Recover from Your Partners Affair

couple counselling kent

Discovering our partner has been unfaithful can one of the most devastating experiences of our life. Often our initial reaction will be one of shock and anger followed by hurt and despair. However, after the initial blow has subsided, it’s important that you try and understand exactly what and why has happened in order to establish if you are both able to move on from it.

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